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I want pasta, but this salad will have to do...

Have you ever said these things to yourself for diet motivation?

This Monday I am starting my diet,” “After New Year’s, it will begin,” “I am not eating any more red meat,” “I’m going to run a marathon to finally lose this weight.” “I bought a membership to a gym to force myself to go.”

In saying these things, we believe that we will miraculously change at midnight. We think we will stop doing things one way and start doing them another way.

This ‘motivation game’ occurs with education, relationships, breaking addiction, and making money. It’s based on instant-gratification, and it won’t get you far.

In order to truly change, we must practice change. The funny thing is, change has nothing to do with motivation.

See how that worked? Change does not happen “on Monday” or “When I decide to change.” Similarly, motivation doesn’t change our environment, our friends, our habits, our routines.

Diet Motivation: Health is Never Owned…

Even as babies, we instinctively understand how to master something. We learned to scoot first. So we tried scooting a little bit every day. Then we realized we could crawl, and even pull ourselves up. That led us to take a few wobbly steps and victory! We were walking!

You didn’t do that because you had some motivation. You just did it.

If you have some weight to lose, success depends on the same thing. Start with the very basics– the very simplest of things, and build on those every single day.

Join me on my fitness journey as I start over for the millioneth time.

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